
  1. #Cantools update
  2. #Cantools manual

Interesting only for exploring the internals.

  • Palette Info: shows in the message pane the name of the elemetns of the Tool Palette (list of components and groups).
  • Bookmark list (nice): show in a dockable pane the list of bookmarks in the current file.
  • No ".net safe" warnings: disables the safe type, safe cast, safe code warnings of the current project.
  • Placed SQLConnection, SQLDataset, DatasetProvider, CleintDataSet, and a series of DBEdits in a form, all at once.
  • DB Form Wizard (likely the most usefull!): like the database wizard of the early days, but based on dbExpress.
  • cantools

    VCL Hierarchy: a tree of all currently installed components, including third party ones.Clip History Viewer: last 9 text entries of the clipboard (if tracking is enabled).Rebuild Wizard: let's you see all projects in a directory tree and build them all in sequence.Great for presentations, not all fonts adapt well. Object Inspector Font: let's you change the font of that pane.Settings: change menu position and enable clipboard tracking (shaky).

    #Cantools manual

    OOPFormWizard: let you remove the form components from the publsihed section, making them private, by adding to the form the required manual initialization code.ListWizard: does at the source level what generics do for you.


    #Cantools update

    Time permitting, I'll clean them up, remove the useless code, update the about box, and move the source to one of the free online repositories. Notice that some of them are for internal demonstration only, others totally outdated, but some are new since I last published them, including the database from wizard and the bookmarks pane. įrom the same page, just updated, I've borrowed the description of the wizards, you can see below. You can find the package (compiled BPL) on my web site on. I've uploaded the last build of my own Delphi wizards collection.
